Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness compared to your "awake" state of consciousness, the one you are in when you are active during the day. The hypnotic state, which is also called trance, you are in quite naturally several times during the day, for example on your way into and out of sleep. When you are sitting and daydreaming, or just being, with your eyes looking unseen into the distance then your state of consciousness has changed to a trance-like state. Being in a trance, that is, being in the hypnotic state, is characterized by deep relaxation and calm as well as a deepened inner orientation, deepened contact with your inner - with your subconscious.
Being in the hypnotic state is restful and restorative. With the help of the deepened contact with the subconscious, we can work effectively and powerfully with things that concern the subconscious, for example healing trauma, changing unfavorable programming and exploring memories from this - and previous lives.
Heal your inner wounds
Your subconscious mind guides your reactions and behaviors based on what you experienced as well as based on your memories and the emotions that were awakened in you. In your subconscious mind all memories are stored - some are available to your conscious self, some are not. It is impossible to be aware of everything you have been through and therefore completely everyday experiences that did not cause any major emotional response are usually not available to you as a conscious memory. Your subconscious can also choose to "hide" memories that have caused very strong and difficult feelings in you because the subconscious is trying to protect you. In this context, it is important to underline that it may be memories from childhood that created strong and difficult feelings in you as a small child. It is not certain that you as an adult would experience the situation in the same way. Nevertheless, it is the experience as you perceived it as a child and the feelings it evoked in you that can still guide your behavior and reactions today. This is what we call adverse programming. With this simplified explanation, we can understand our feelings and experiences, but unfortunately it is not the same as "healing" or getting rid of the unfavorable programming.
In the hypnotic state, you can relive childhood memories in a controlled way with your adult consciousness. Memories from childhood that affect you as an adult in an unfavorable way. When you relive your memories, they heal, and your "symptoms" - the unfavorable and unwanted behaviors, reactions and limitations these memories caused - disappear.
This is done in hypnoanalysis, that is, psychoanalysis in the hypnotic state. Usually 5-10 occasions are needed which are carried out consecutively with 7-10 day intervals.
Find answers to your questions
In the hypnotic state, when you have the deep inner anchoring, you can find home to yourself. Your answers are not in the outside world, they are within you.
Explore past lives
In the hypnotic state, an infinite number of us have experienced memories from various past lives. No one can say for sure what these memories are, if they are memories from past lives or if they are memories somehow induced by the brain and presented as a memory. There are many stories of people experiencing past life memories with details previously unknown to the person that turned out to be true. And of course it may be that it is information that was picked up via radio, television or in some other way that he has forgotten but that is stored in the subconscious. There are also theories about a collective unconscious that we all have access to.
Having experienced past life memories myself and having guided others to past life experiences, I am fully convinced that we live many lives. Memories from these past lives are stored in our subconscious and are almost as accessible to us in the hypnotic state as memories from this life.
Exploring past life memories can help us in our spiritual and spiritual development. It can also help us to a deeper understanding and anchoring.
The article is written by Camilla Dahlström who works with hypnotherapy, coaching, meditation and yoga. Do you also want to write an article on our platform? Email us!

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