When we are in our creative flow, we often feel present, calm and happy. In our creative flow, or "flow", we are focused on what we create and here it is easy to lose track of both time and space. This condition has many positive health effects. It is a state of calm and tranquility which gives us a break and counteracts stress. Creative flow contributes to positive energy that affects you down to the cellular level. Therefore, creation and creativity have a direct connection to our health. (The myth of the "suffering artist" is thus nothing more than a myth.)
Are you a creative person?
Many people think that creativity is a kind of personality trait that some people have and others don't. Thank goodness that's wrong. All humans are creative by nature, otherwise we would not survive as a species. Then it can vary how creative we humans are and how strong the desire we have to express ourselves creatively.
An inner critic
The problem for the vast majority is their own inner critical voice. An inner critic who says that you need to master the art of writing, painting, singing, or whatever you want to do, to even have the right to do it. An inner voice that tells you that what you create is not good enough. Which makes you feel ashamed and blocked by fear. It is emotions and energies that can completely inhibit and block your creative joy.
The inner critical voice is the biggest reason why so many who yearn to express themselves creatively do not. It's much easier to procrastinate, blame external circumstances or tell yourself that you don't deserve to take the time for your creative project.
For many, the inner critical voice is the most dominant and confused with one's "true voice" or their "ordinary thoughts". Most people are not aware of the big role it plays in their lives. Many allow this inner critical voice to dominate unchallenged and without questioning it.
Maybe you live with a notion that you can't sing, paint or dance from a comment someone around you made when you were exercising your creativity as a child? A comment that has become your inner "truth" and that still stands in your way to this day?
If this feels sad or disappointing, it can be nice to know that it is possible to befriend your "inner critic", find new approaches and open up to the creative flow within you!
Someone who wants you well
To befriend one's inner critic, we need to understand the critic's purpose. As strange as it may seem, your inner critical voice wishes you well. It wants to protect you from failure or from having to be ashamed. It wants to protect you by creating a fear of things that are new and unfamiliar. So that you choose to refrain and instead stay in the familiar and safe. And creativity and creation are precisely about this. Throwing yourself into the new and unknown.
The key lies in being able to handle your "inner critic". You do this by cultivating a supportive attitude towards yourself and your creation, we could call it your "inner supporter".
Become your best supporter
The most important support you can have when you are going to devote yourself to your creation is your own. That you allow yourself to be completely in the creation, without judging or valuing what you do as nice, ugly, good or bad.
The support and encouragement of others is also important and something we need. But when it comes down to it, your own support is most important. It is a support you always have with you and it sets you free in your creation. Dependence of others. You can choose to be kind to yourself. You can choose thoughts yourself that remind you that you have exactly the same right as everyone else to create. Regardless of the result. You have the same right as everyone else to both succeed with a masterpiece but also the space to create rubbish.
Practice cultivating compassion for yourself. It might feel strange or difficult at first, that's to be expected if this is something new for you. But don't give up. Keep practicing. You can do this by repeatedly asking yourself how you would support a close friend in the same situation. What would you have said to your friend? What tone would you use? What facial expression? Imagine this and direct it at yourself. Because just like anything that feels new and unfamiliar at first, you can train your self-compassion into something that becomes familiar and a new wonderfully healing habit!
Allow yourself to create garbage
In all creative work, you need to give yourself permission to create junk. There is no way around it. Sometimes you have to write five really bad pages only to find that you wrote a good sentence in the second paragraph on the third page.
It's about putting up with it. Being able to support yourself and remind you that creation is about getting something out of you. It is like washing gold among a lot of gravel and dirt. But you need to give yourself permission to do just that.
In what way and with what words would you comment or give feedback on something your son, daughter, partner or best friend created? Would it be with sneering condemnation, ridicule and disparaging comments? Or would you be supportive, encouraging and offer constructive advice? Probably the latter. Why not choose the same approach towards yourself? You deserve just the same support and encouragement as those you care about.
Three tips on how to increase your creativity:
1. Meet yourself with compassion
In order to access your creativity, it is good to practice good self-compassion. That is, the ability to support yourself with love and compassion. Become aware of your inner critical voice and notice what it says and when it appears. How can you lovingly deal with this critical inner voice?
Try to make it a habit to ask yourself "what do I need right now, to continue with my creative project?".
2. Be present
To be in a creative state, it helps if you can temporarily peel away or shut out things that stress or distract you. Being in a calm and a kind of inner focus gives you the best conditions to be fully present in what you create and find your "flow".
How can you put yourself in a present state? For some it is through meditation, yoga or breathing exercises. For others, it can be a walk or run in the woods. Do what works for you.
3. Play!
What makes you tingle with creative joy? Enter it as in a game, just like children do. Be curious and explore with an open mind. Try yourself out. Did it not turn out as you imagined? Try something else, try again. Don't make it so serious, what could happen? Decide that your creation is your play. That you give yourself the right to create regardless of the result, simply because it's fun - because it makes you happy.
The article is written by Alexia Rahm, who works as a holistic coach and creative mentor. Do you want to write an article on our platform? Email us!

Certified Holistic Coach, Lic. PT and Creative Mentor.
"My driving force is to help more people create a life in line with their own values and that makes them feel good. This through coaching, a healthy lifestyle and a large dose of playful creativity which I believe is an important piece of the puzzle for us to heal and be well.'' - Alexia Rahm
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Tip! If you want to give yourself a moment for creativity, you can create a vision board! Read more about how to create a vision board and manifest your dreams here !
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