The inner authorities of Human Design
The inner authority is important to know when learning about your Human Design (if you don't know Human Design you can start by reading this article ). When you know...
The inner authority is important to know when learning about your Human Design (if you don't know Human Design you can start by reading this article ). When you know...
Human design is the individual map that exists over one's genetic code. It is a kind of system that is a combination of, among other things, astrology, quantum physics and...
Everything that happens in the universe begins with an intention and an intention can be described as directed energy towards a desire. Intention is the creative force that makes us...
Can life feel a little empty sometimes? Do you often feel feelings of jealousy or fear of what others will think? Do you feel stuck in the same job for...
You've probably been asked what your zodiac sign is a number of times growing up. Maybe you recognized yourself in the description of your star sign, maybe not. This may...
Astrology can be seen as the knowledge of how the movements of the planets in the sky affect our life on earth. It is actually one of the world's oldest...